Wednesday, December 29, 2010

My father's ringtone

"I know you want me" by Pitbull


A bit about myself

Let's just say that my good friend Melissa, recommended I start a blog. Not sure why, apparently some aspects of my life could be considered funny and sometimes interesting and sometimes very much ordinary.

On a similar note, my husband, Justin also recommended we start a blog; not necessarily because I may be witty or exciting or anything out of the ordinary but because it would give us the opportunity to connect with each other while far away from one another. You see, Justin is in Iraq right now and [unlike many military spouses I have talked to] seldom gets the opportunity to call me. I think in the past 6 months I have heard from him about 10 times. Some may say, "well well well, 10 times, that's not bad; just think of the women throughout history who saw/spoke to their military husband every few years, if they weren't dead by then". What I say to them is, "we are no longer in the 20th century nor will be ever be going back anytime soon", as far as I know anyway. I would also say that upon speaking with other spouses of deployed Soldiers it becomes a bit disheartening to hear that many hear from their husbands at least twice a week, if not every day. I know what some of you may be thinking, --he's just not that into you-- or --he's probably one of them cheaters, and he must be doing something shady--. The truth is, Justin is a very hard working man. I have never met someone as passionate as him. He truly cares about his Soldiers and wants to do his best to ensure that tax-payers aren't wasting as much money on his salary.

What else? I am also in the military and enjoy my job very much, except for when I eat MREs and get constipated or when I have to low crawl in the mud for training purposes. Other than that, life is dandy. Except for when you are on a different deployment schedule than your spouse, that sucks ass. Other than that, the military can be very rewarding. You meet some great people from very different backgrounds and learn about people in the most awkward/the least comfortable situations, it's bonding I think.

What else? Oh yeah, I'm Mexican and I'm white, tall, with blue eyes and light brown hair. I speak Spanish better than a lot of Hispanics but sometimes I pretend like I can't speak that well or I can't speak at all, it's kinda funny. I speak a little bit of Brazilian Portuguese as well, and, of course, by looking at me people think I only speak English. It's okay. I kinda enjoy it.

What else? I have a dog. Her name is Banana. She's a puppy now but she would like to be America's next top model when she turns 1.

What else? I don't have children other than the one above. I am almost 24 years old and will be starting my master's degree next week while I work. Hopefully, I don't fail. 

That's about it for now.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

What did my father just say?

Scenario: My father decided to soak his feet in epsom salt in my living room because one of his tendons were sore. 

Actions taken: My father takes the kitchen towel and uses it to dry his feet after a good soaking. He proceeds to put the towel back in the kitchen with the other with which I dry my hands with as I am cooking and/or washing vegetables, etcetera.

Words exchanged: I say, "Did you just put the towel you used for your feet back in the kitchen?"
My father says, "Yeah! (in an annoyed tone) My feet were clean"....

Need I say more?